Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The deal with this journal: This'll hopefully be a place for me to post little snip-its and snapshots and maybe even some longer stories.  
Clearly I've been hanging around aeroastro people too much. 

                Phil dreams of stars at night.  He dreams of floating up through the atmosphere in his own personal space capsule and glancing down.  Glancing down until he sees earth- lovely and blue become a spec in the distance and then he’s set, content to explore.  He learns later that floating up in a capsule isn’t realistically how he’d see space.  There’d be rockets and shuttles and probably a whole crew of people going up there with him.  When people ask him why he’s doing it - he lies through his teeth: “I want to do the experiments physicists can’t do.”  When in reality all he wants to do is to be out there, amongst the stars- to be close to them, to feel the rush of being moments away from destruction.  


  1. Hey Mace, I really like this snippet. =)

  2. Astrophysicists are a delight! I'm not one myself but know of some (okay, some fictional :-P)
